City of Greater Geraldton Destination Management & Destination Marketing Plan

Market Creations Agency recently undertook work for the City of Greater Geraldton to create a Destination Management Plan followed by a Destination Marketing Plan. The City of Greater Geraldton established a Tourism Taskforce headed and comprised of mostly industry representatives with the aim of defining opportunities and strategies to aggregate tourism in the region.
The Market Creations Agency team drew on their significant experience and skill in all aspects of the key requirements for this brief. The group has consulted extensively over more than 20 years with organisations such as Tourism WA, the regional Tourism Organisations (RTO’s) incorporated and operating through WA, the Visitor Centre Network of Western Australia, Local Government Authorities looking to grow the tourism economy and tourism operators both large and small throughout Australia.
The project adopted a ‘hub and spoke’ model recognising that the ‘pull factor’ for tourism attractions in the coastal corridor north of Perth was relatively weak in the minds of the consumers when compared to other, more developed destinations throughout WA.
The work undertaken specifically by Matt Crellin and Darren Lee included the auditing of attractions for the self-drive tourist emanating out of Perth and considered attractions beginning in Chittering and Gingin and included all communities in the Shires of Dandaragan, Coorow, Irwin, Greater-Geraldton as well as Northampton, Carnarvon and Shark Bay.
Market Creations Agency created a Destination Management Plan followed by a Destination Marketing Plan to give this group the tools and framework required to build the tourism economy of Greater Geraldton.
Each plan was broken down into the below:
Destination Management Plan
- Defining the destination, background and purpose
- Situation analysis including key challenges and opportunities
- Tourism goals
- Destination strategy
- Roadmap – Implementing the strategy
Destination Marketing Plan
- Defining current resources and relationships
- Situation analysis
- Marketing goals
- Target market, segments and key messages
- Value proposition and defining the brand
- Marketing and brand strategy
Market Creations Agency has since assisted the City of Greater-Geraldton implement many of the recommendations from the Destination Marketing Plan including the launch of their new website.
The City of Greater Geraldton engaged Market Creations Agency to work with us on a Destination Management Plan as well as a Destination Marketing Plan. The team at Market Creations Agency were extremely professional and the research they carried out was highly effective and unique to our needs.
Both plans were forward thinking, followed SMART principles and the outcomes provided a great foundation for destination marketing in the region.
Trish Palmonari
Manager Economic Development
City of Greater Geraldton